Saturday, August 24, 2024

Drives south of Livingston & the neighborhood


Sunrise on our way to explore to the south of Livingston.

Driving up the long bumpy gravel road to Tom Miner Campground we found some berry trees with many birds eating the fruit including this Evening Grosbeak.

American Kestrel

White-crowned Sparrow

A Dusky Grouse cock scrambled away from the road.

White Admiral Butterfly

Jefferson's Ground Squirrel on alert

Our target wildlife sighting was Grizzly Bears that we found cooling off and grazing in the irrigation sprinklers.  One dark boar and a sow with two cubs.

We enjoyed an hour of watching them feed and interact.

A distant ATV caught their attention and interrupted their feeding.

But they soon returned to feeding knowing that winter will be here all too soon

On the way back, a single elk cow was observed.  And later a second family of grizzly bears was seen.

Another day took us up Mill Creek Road following the creek for 16 miles bringing us over 7,000 feet in altitude.  This looked like ideal habitat for the American Dipper which we kept watching for.

Eureka!  We found a number of them!

Am. Dipper goes under the fast moving water to secure it's food.

Checking out the clear water before diving in.

Near the top we found 2 families of Dusky Grouse- hen number one.

Hen number 2

There were at least nine chicks running along the road.

And several flying up into the trees.

A walk down at the Yellowstone River produced 4 Bald Eagles of varying ages.

Two young eagles checked out a sucker.

Ospreys were also perched over the river.

The Osprey are all fledged from the nest but go back daily calling for adults to bring food.

Our bird feeder is attracting more than birds.  This doe comes around to check it out often.

She is also helping us prune the bushes.

An American Goldfinch comes in to the nearby Sunflowers

Honey Bee collecting pollen

Black-capped Chickadee

Mountain Bluebird selects a construction cone for a perch.

Teasel in blossom

Bees also visit the blossoms.

As summer comes to an end, this is the first year in 13 that we are not heading south for the winter.
Anxious to experience winter again.  
❤️ Love & Prayers 🙏 
Ty & Ida Baumann

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Northeast of Livingston


Now that we are permanent residents of Livingston, we branch out to explore the neighborhood and beyond.  Not too far away are Pinyon Jays visiting feeders, we hope they come to ours soon.

Depending on the sun and age, the blues come in different shades on these Jays

This Jay has been hogging the suet.

Downy Woodpecker

Black-headed Grosbeak found our feeding station.

He pushes the House Finches out of his way.

American Goldfinch on Musk or Nodding Thistle near our feeder

Am. Goldfinch

Look carefully to the right of the feeder - our first visitor, a Rufous Hummingbird.

White-tailed Deer and fawn

Twins in our backyard having breakfast 

Canada Geese flew into a flooded field to graze.

Grasshopper on Mountain Brookfoam

Orange Agoseris in front of Pale Agoseris seeding out

Plains Larkspur

Alpine Bluebells

Green Bark Beetles on Lupine

Baby Killdeer runs on spindlly legs

Sharp-tailed Grouse on Willow Creek Road, observed with Brian Pierce from Green Bay, WI

This looks like a painting, but it's a real Cedar Waxwing eating berries.

Lazuli Bunting

Spotted Towhee

Mountain Bluebird feeding young

Fledgling Mountain Bluebird

Clacrk's Nutcracker high (over 5,000 feet)  on Swingly Road

Nutcracker eating Limber Pine cone nut

What does he do with all that stickly sap on his bill?

Clark's Nutcracker flies off

Mountain Chickadee

Common Nighthawks in migration, one of a flock of 22.

Common Raven

Yellow-bellied Marmot

Stands at attention to pishing.

Lone Coyote spotted by road

Turns into two frolicking young

They stop and watch us

We have had thunderstorms delivering much needed rain and highlighted by God's promise!
This double rainbow was right out our front door.

❤️  Love & Prayers 🙏 
Ty & Ida Baumann