Thursday, October 17, 2024

Day Trips from Livingston, MT


High up in the Bridger Mountains where Ty tagged along on a Dusky Grouse 
hunting trip with Daryl and friend John.

Moss covered trees

Old stump points heavenward.

Snow Berry - good grouse food

Canada Jay, new bird for the year!

Pishing brought it in closer

Trip south to Yellowstone Park, temperature 19 degrees

Riverside geysers steam 

Yellowstone River Gorge downstream of the falls

Yellowstone cliffs rise high above the river

Road followed the river for many miles.  Now closed for winter.

Lone coyote crosses the grassland

Grizzly Bear feeding up for hibernation

Very big bear, slowed down traffic to a standstill

A ride down Divide Road, south of Livingston, produced large stand of Juniper Trees

Loaded with berries and had attracted many birds, Am. Robins, Cassin's Finch,
Clark's Nutcrackers and as we had hoped......

A beautiful song caught our attention.
Townsend's Solitaire

Checking us out, then resumed singing

We think there were over 25 Solitaires in this small area.
We will return to see if the birds overwinter.

Farther down the very bumpy gravel road to Trail Creek Rd. we saw in the distance Chimney Rock

One last Mountain Bluebird that didn't head south yet.

Enjoying the golden yellow leaves of the Aspen which will fall soon

Another trip out Swingley Road east found a herd of 16 Pronghorn Antelope

They headed up the hill to the cattle watering tank for a drink

Pronghorn Buck with some of the largest horns we've seen

He leads his harem back down the hill.

Common Raven

Back home at the feeder, a Black-billed Magpie displays iridescent feathers

White-crowned Sparrow returns 

House Finch numbers declining

White-tailed Deer, one of 11 visit daily eating boxelder leaves 
checking bird seed under feeders and drinking out of our bird bath.

Younger buck on left sizing up competion

Let's do a little jousting!

Bigger buck wins!  Third buck says "maybe next year"

Checking back on our cemetery Great Horned Owls

One alert and one sleeping.

It seems this may be our last day of Autumn.
Ten to eighteem inches of snow will arrive in the mountains in the next 24 hours.

❤️ Love & Prayers 🙏 
Ty & Ida Baumann

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Seasonal changes - Our first Montana Autumn


Sunrise from our front door

Clouds formed a star-shaped sunrise

Our neighborhood deer, fawns are growing fast

Part of the 33 deer counted in the neighborhood

Buck surveying the cameraman

Yellowstone River rapids at Sacajawea Park

Common Mergansers  - morning stretch

Time to go fishing!

Spotted Sandpiper feeding on the rocks

Our home feeding station is attracting many birds, we were surprised with the Pinyon Jays

They now quickly empty the feeders every morning

Adult Pinyon Jay

And young of the year.

Cleaning the feeder of every last seed

A Red-shafted Flicker showing interest

He finds the suet basket just for him.

American Crow comes in to check out the party

Pine Siskins find the thistle feeder

This Siskin called in the others

We have a whole flock of Eurasian Collared  Doves

A Field Sparrow comes in, a pleasant surprise

The Black-billed Magpies are the first to arrive every morning.

Magpies like the peanuts, Eur. Collared Dove coming in for a landing

Dove waiting for the Grackle to leave

White-crowned Sparrow 

Fawn checking if there is anything left to eat

We took rides east on Swingley Road two different days

Our first high elevation snow, with more to come

Sun shining on the fields along Swingley Road

Cinnamon Black Bear on Mission Creek Road


Stops to look for fruit trees

And plunges in to strip fruit

Young Mule Deer compresses ears 

Mountain scene, snow clings to rock above treeline

Pair of Pronghorn Antelope

Golden Eagle, number 1, 

Is joined by Golden Eagle number 2 

Golden Eagle takes flight

Golden Eagle number 3 on our way back 


Ash trees are turning golden yellow

Black Bear ran across the road then stopped to rest

Eyeing us with caution

Autumn is in the air.  Very cool nights and some bright sunny days.
Hard to believe how the time flies, we are enjoying seeing God's creation.

❤️ Love & Prayers 🙏 
Ty & Ida Baumann