We also traveled to nearby birding areas for some of the rarities: Estero Llano Grande State Park with it's great variety of habitats where we found all the herons and egrets, many ducks and shorebirds and the specialty everyone was looking for - the Rose-throated Becard.
Quinta Mazatlan, a historical 1935 adobe estate now a city park dedicated to birds where we found a Tropical Parula and our first Carolina Wren.
Anzalduos County Park where we found and reported a Horned Grebe (rare inTexas) and a Northern Beardless Tyrannulet.
Frontera Audubon Thicket in Weslaco where we
searched for hours in the warm rain and found the Golden-crowned Warbler - a life bird for us.
To the right is pictured the Hawk Tower and Resaca (Rio Grande oxbow) at Bentsen where we spent many hours scanning the skies for vultures and birds of prey drifting from Mexico into the United States. We saw White-tailed Kites, Red-shouldered and Harris's Hawks, and a Zone-tailed Hawk. Looking below in the resaca we had many ducks, shorebirds, waders, flycatchers and pipits.
Pictured to the left is a Plain Chachalaca scarfing peanut butter by the Nature Center in Bentsen. Many of these noisy birds came as soon as the feeders were filled. There were also Clay-colored Thrushes, Altamira & Streak-backed Oriole, Pyrrhuloxia, Greater Kiskadees. On the grounds we found Vermillion Flycatchers, Gray Hawks, Green & Ringed Kingfishers, and Black-headed Grosbeak. Spiny Blue Lizards, Diamond-backed Water snakes, Nine-banded Armadillos, and large variety of butterflies constituted additional wildlife.
We also found Hook-billed Kites and Monk Parakeets in Hidalgo, White Ibis in Edenburg, and enjoyed a day and a half at Santa Ana NWR.
It has also been fun connecting and birding with friends from Wisconsin. Spending the winter here at Bentsen are Tom & Carol Sykes and Jerry & Karen Smith who directed us to area target birds. Our nine month journey list stands at 540 and counting.
We have enjoyed attending Palm Valley Church here in Mission,Texas through which we supported Guatemalan orphanage missionaries for many years. Bye for now, Ty & Ida