Crazy Mountains northeast of Livingston buried in snow
Red Fox hunting for mice attracts Black-billed Magpie.
Red Fox takes a break from bouncing through the field, checking out the photographer.
Three Sandhill Cranes did not migrate, possible wing damage on one.
We had three days of contiuous snow, over 2 feet,
Surprise visitor to the feeder, Northern Shrike wasn't looking for seed but songbirds.
It's been 14 years since we have seen the Northern Shrike.
Merlin also stopped by looking for a bird to catch.
Black-billed Magpies, more than usual with the snow
As snow accumulates a deer stops by to see if she can reach the feed
The deer utilized the plowed road rather than plowing through the deep snow.
Bounding through the deep snow was not easy.
This snow depth is unusual for Livingston,
Deer stayed bedded down for the Arctic blast that followed for three days.
A hint of Spring in the air as days warmed into the 40's but winds still remained 40-60 mph.
Mule Deer - living lawn ornaments.
Mule Deer buck at Sleeping Giant Estates
Mule Deer Buck sports impressive rack,
Cliffs along Bracket Creek Road west of Clyde's Park, a fun day trip.
Pronghorn Antelope finding grass to eat on the wind-swept hillside.
Buck checks us out as we stop along the roadway.
Bald Eagle feasting on roadkill deer, Magpies hope for a scrap of leftovers.
The Eagle stayed put on the carcass as traffic sped by.
The Eagle allowed us to creep near for some photos
Livingston Peak at Sunrise, looks like a glowing volcano.
Enjoying our first winter here in Montana.
❤️ Love & Prayers 🙏🏽
Ty & Ida Baumann