It's been a wonderful month at the north end of Paradise Valley. Our RV park is only 1.4 miles from Daryl (Ty's brother) and Vicki's house and we've spent many great hours together visiting.
Black-billed Magpie near our RV Park |
Goldfinch amid the fall flowers |
Vicki, Daryl, Ty and Barney |
We've enjoyed their hospitality of many meals together, baking chocolate chip cookies, shopping together in Bozeman, and playing with their dog, Barney. We've enjoyed their small church, Mountain Bible Church in Paradise Valley, surrounded by majestic mountains east and west of the Yellowstone River. We have also joined in their son Nate's Life Group.
Immature Bald Eagle by the Yellowstone River |
Fishing never worked out for Ty and Daryl as the river and all tributaries were closed because of a fish die-off.
Pronghorns |
Boulder Creek |
We took rides together through some of the beautiful side roads of forest and field, seeing lots of birds and wildlife.
Golden Eagle |
Gray Jay |
Oregon Grape |
Wild Mountain Ash |
Old Faithful |
On September 8th, we spent the day at Yellowstone National Park covering the full circle of the roads. We walked the boardwalks around the pools, springs and geysers near the Yellowstone Inn.
Ribbons of color - creek side spring |
Mourning Glory Pool |
Castle Geyser |
Hot water lichens |
Grotto Geyser |
Chromatic Pool |
Yellowstone Inn |
Clark's Nutcracker |
Yellowstone Lake, West Thumb |
We are certainly awed by the wonderful unique examples of God's Creation in this vast land of forest, rivers, waterfalls, geysers, pools and lakes set aside for all to enjoy.
Broad-tailed Hummingbird |
Wood Duck pair at Sacajawea Park |
We have had such a variety of weather, summer, fall and into winter-like snow in the high country. We will now be leaving across Idaho, Oregon then south along the West Coast to California.
Love & Prayers,
Ty & Ida Baumann