Monday, June 3, 2024

Last Days in Wisconsin


We are visiting some of our favorite birding areas before heading to Montana.
The Kewaunee Jetty and harbor were full of American White Pelicans, along with the usual ducks and gulls.

Am. White Pelican numbers continue to multiply all over the state.

Pair of Red-breasted Mergansers

Lesser Black-backed Gull at North Point in Sheboygan

Iceland Gull

Hen in the Woods - Maitake Mushroom

More American White Pelicans feeding at Horicon Marsh

Barn Swallows nesting on Floating Boardwalk at Horicon

Barn Swallow protesting walkers

Song Sparrow

With friends we found the Dickcissel near Albany where we were married 54 years ago.
Another  new bird for our year list.

Eastern Bluebird bringing caterpiller to nestlings.

Fun finding this Wood Duck along the river.

Green Frog along the Rock River

Baby Bunny - maybe first day on his own.

Bobolink at Buena Vista Grasslands

Willow Flycatcher in the Sandbar Willows

Brewer's Blackbird

Searching for Greater Prairie Chickens got easier with one flying overhead.

Juvenile Bald Eagle at Leola Marsh in the cranberry bog area.

Spent the night near Big Flats hoping for a Kirtland's Warbler.
At Sunrise this perfect pine habitat produced a singing male.

A trip over to Necedah Wildlife Refuge, Trumpeter Swans and a single distant Whooping Crane.

We enjoyed seeing Trumpeter Swans in many different wetlands.

Northern Blue Flag - Wild Iris

Very large female Snapping Turtle heading inland to lay eggs.

Chalk-fronted corporal male Dragonfly

Bald Eagle finds Road Kill breakfast of raccoon

Keeping one eye on competition from...

Second Bald Eagle hoping to share.

Campion Bladder

Back at Lake Farm in Madison - Swamp Sparrow

Sedge Wren

Sedge Wren belting out his chittery call on territory.

Female Common Yellowthroat

Male Common Yellowthroat

Baltimore Oriole

Northern Cardinal

Our four week stay in Wisconsin was very busy trying to see as many people, birds, and favorite bird haunts as we could fit in.  
❤️ Love & Prayers 🙏 
Ty & Ida Baumann

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