Tuesday, June 28, 2011

From North Pole to Valdez

 Did you ever see a horizontal rainbow?  This was across the trees giving them these beautiful colors. We spent four days in North Pole, Alaska, no not the magnetic one but the town east of Fairbanks.  We finally had some "summer" weather, with temps in the 80's and blue skies.  We spent some time at a lake that not only was popular with people but had great birds on it like White-winged Scoters, Red-throated Loons, Red-necked Grebes and lots of Mew gulls with babies plus families of ducks.

We visited the two Fairbanks Bird & Nature Centers and spent hours watching for a Boreal Owl to come out of it's nesting hole, only hearing it call and never seeing it.  Enjoyed church at the North Pole Worship Center.  For you Packer fans - North Pole is Daryn Colledge's home town.

We drove to Paxson and spent 12 hours on gravel roads on the Denali Highway, seeing Long-tailed Jaegers in their nesting grounds, Whimbrel, Am. Golden Plover, 2 Smith Longspurs, plus 40 other species of birds.  Headed south today through beautiful mountain passes with snow and glaciers and waterfalls on all sides.  We sure are enjoying all that God has created to the fullest.   Ty & Ida

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