Friday, May 24, 2019

Big Bend to Yellowstone

We spent three days in Big Bend National Park, enjoying the beautiful desert scenery while enduring the heat.  We stayed at the eastern campground where it was 100 degrees that lasted until the sun set.  As it cooled, we walked to a marsh area off the Rio Grande.
Lesser Nighthawk

Nutria in the Rio Grande marsh area

Greater Roadrunner

We drove to the Basin in the Chisos Mountains which is the center of the park.  As you rise in altitude, the temps become more comfortable.  Ty hiked the 11 mile Boot Springs trail to successfully find the Colima Warbler,  who hid from the camera in the thick vegetation.
Mexican Jay

Hedgehog Cactus

Spotted Towhee

Golden-banded Skipper

Scott's Oriole

Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Vermilion Flycatcher

We then drove the 35 miles to the western campground where again it was 102 degrees by late afternoon.  The birds were plentiful, even in the heat.  We drove to the Santa Elana Canyon where the Rio Grande flows through the canyon where the walls go straight up 1,500 feet.  People love to hear their echo in this grand formation.
Yellow-breasted Chat

Santa Elana Canyon

Desert Willow

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher

Mules Ears rock formation at Big Bend

As we drove north toward the Texas/ New Mexico border we saw this Dust Devil towering over the ranch land.
El Capitan in the Guadelope Mountain National Park - highest point in Texas

Say's Phoebe

Bullock's Oriole

Wilson's Phalarope

We stopped at Bitters Lake NWR and saw many new birds for our year list.
We spent the night at Maxwell Lake National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico.  Quiet night and plenty of water birds to watch.
Nipple Cactus

Two-leaved Senna

Scaled Quail

Chihuahuan Raven

Clark's Grebe

Swainson's Hawk

Western Meadowlark

Our next stop was Woodland Park Colorado where our nephew Nate and his family live and attend Charis Bible School.  This scene is taken from his neighborhood, sitting over 9,000 feet altitude.  Our short walk gave us many mountain birds that we were delighted with.
Dark-eyed Junco - Gray-headed sub-species

Pygmy Nuthatch

Mountain Chickadee

Common Merganser

We then drove through a snowstorm to Cody, Wyoming where we spent the night.  The sun came out and Ty walked to the nearby pond where many birds came out.
Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) Warbler

American Avocet

Eared Grebes

We are now staying at Livingston, Montana near Ty's brother Daryl and wife Vicki.  We are enjoying Yellowstone National Park (next blog will include the great wildlife from the park.)

Love & Prayers,
Ty & Ida Baumann

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