Sunday, March 22, 2020

Bentsen State Park and area

We have been here a month, and the world has changed drastically, but some things are still going on normally. Like flowers blooming, birds migrating, and the sun rising each day.  We look for all that God has created to bring joy to a trying time.
Altamira Oriole on Coral Bean

Hooded Oriole male 

Hooded Oriole female

Young male Rufous Hummingbird

Dad watching

"Our" Great Horned Owl parents are very busy raising a family and getting enough food for hungry mouths.  They don't seem to mind the audience of all the photographers in the RV Park.  Ty sits and watches and shares owl biology behavior with the curious onlookers.
Mom working

Number one peeking out

Mom preparing lunch , baby waiting

Baby is right under waiting 

Mom closes her eyes every time she passes food

Two owlets are growing fast, two heads are better than one

How about three heads,  how do they all fit up there in that palm tree?

Crested Caracara

Swainson's Hawk

Peregrine Falcon, everyone is headed north to nest

Giant Centipede - all six inches of it

Texas Gopher Tortoise

Wild Turkey Toms strut their stuff

White-tailed Hawk checking out Ty out on Brushline Road

Time to take off, White-tailed Hawk

Scissor's-tailed Flycatchers are just arriving from Central America

Great-tailed Grackle catches a Hornworm Moth Caterpillar 

The distinct shape of a distant Hook-billed Kite

Rare visitor to park - female Rose-throated Becard

Here is the moon on the morning of March 8th, other than being Ty's birthday, the world seemed normal.  Two weeks later and a New Moon looks down on a completely different world.  But our trust is in God and this time will pass, hopefully showing us what is really important in this life.

May God bless us all with hope!
Love & Prayers,
Ty & Ida Baumann

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