Thursday, March 31, 2022

Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park

 This Vermilion Flycatcher visited our RV site for a few days before heading to nesting grounds. 

Watching for insects

This brightly colored male made many sorties and back to the fence.

Male Ringed Kingfisher - 16 inches long

Daily flights near the hawk tower

Female Ringed Kingfisher with blue necklace

Rare Hook-billed Kite actually perched nearby

Juvenile Hook-billed Kite - notice the paddle shaped wings

Lincoln's Sparrow

Ladder-backed Woodpecker male

Ladder-backed female

Long-billed Thrasher on territory beneath the hawk tower.

Hooded Oriole

Loves the Peanut Butter

Hooded Oriole female

Female making her presence known

Green Jay - also a peanut butter fan

First time visitors love this South Texas specialty

Look close for this rare bird - a female Rose-throated Becard

Adult Gray Hawk is a park resident

Blooming Huisache trees are making my eyes itch, but they look beautiful and attract bees

Migrating Osprey checks out the tower wetlands.

Nice flyover by a Swainson's Hawk

                                           Plain Chachalaca stretches while sun bathing.

Altamira Oriole, largest North American oriole

Golden-fronted Woodpecker

Lark Sparrow

Great Horned Owl pair in our RV Park

Another rare hawk sought by birders - Zone-tailed Hawk

American Coot is not worried about this Northern Harrier

N. Harrier is only looking for rodents

This Harrier has become a daily visitor 

Migrating Savannah Sparrow responds to pishing.

Broad-winged Hawks are coming through in big numbers

Cloud ice crystals display rainbow of colors.

Looking forward to 4 more weeks of hawk count before we migrate north.
Love ❤️  & Prayers 🙏🏽
Ty & Ida Baumann

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