Friday, June 28, 2024

New residence in Livingston, Montana

We are now officially "Off the Road". We sold the RV, bought a Ford Bronco Sport and moved into a condo in Livingston, MT.  We can see the snow capped mountains from our new home.

We are excited about our "Home Sweet Home" spending time looking for furniture, assembling many pieces ourselves.  We live only 3 1/2 miles from Ty's brother Daryl and appreciate all of his prep work in the condo before we arrived, including painting interior and dealing with all the inspectors.

Nice to see the western birds that are quite common but new for our year list.
Black-billed Magpie

Magpie yanking a huge nightcrawler from the ground 

Juveniles still want to be fed and not look for their own food.

Eurasian Collared Dove

White-tailed Buck growing new antlers.

Western Tanager

Violet-green Swallow female in nestbox

Violet-green Swallow male

House Finch

American Robin bringing home breakfast

Red Crossbill feasting on cone seeds

Three stages of Goatsbeard, bud, blossom and seed head.


Western Blue Flax

Nesting Killdeer tries to distract from it's nest

Eastern Kingbird

A day of rain in the valley brought snow to the higher elevations for mid-June.

Sunrise on the Absaroka Mountains taken from the front of our condo.

We will keep doing the blog with all of God's Creation that we see in the area.
❤️  Love & Prayers 🙏 
Ty & Ida Baumann


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