Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Northeast Yellowstone NP & Beartooth Pass


We arrived at Slough Creek well before dawn.  First wildlife seen were four Gray Wolves (three were black melanistic) over a mile in the background.   Looking for something closer, there were always Bison to see.

The temperature was 34 degrees and pockets of dense fog shrouded the Lamar Valley.

Herds of Bison were coming down from the higher elevations to drink in the Lamar River.

Bison cow and calf crossing the river

Single Bulls wandered the landscape away from the herds.

Barronette Mountain where Mountain Goats dwell, look for tiny, tiny white spots.
Spotting scope and lots of patience to find them is required.

Beartooth Lake - reflecting God's beauty.

At 8,000 feet there are not many birds to find

We were surprised to find a Belted Kingfisher

White-crowned Sparrows nest here.

Up to the "top of the world" above tree line were beautiful flowers.

Alpine Gentian add color to a Fall landscape.

American Pipits were abundant in this barren habitat.

Ground hugging plants displaying Autumn colors.

Yellow-bellied Marmots make their home in the rocks.
They hibernate for more months than they are awake.

Here we are at the summit of 10,950 feet, home of the Pikas

The Pika started out at about an eighth of a mile away, but..

curiousity from Ty pishing brought it closer...

And closer -stopping to nibble on some lichens.

And ended up underfoot.
Pikas collect plants all summer -  feeding off their harvest in their winter dens.

American Pipits will soon migrate to the southern U.S.

This large grassy plateau provides food for grazing Mountain Goats (center of photo)

There are 10 nannies and kids in this "close-up".

The size and magnitude of this area is amazing!  The road down with the Absaroka Maountain Range in the background.

What a beautiful day trip from "home"visiting Wyoming and Montana seeing the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness.

❤️  Love & Prayers 🙏 
Ty & Ida Baumann

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