Ten below zero by the Yellowstone River along Paradise Valley on our way to church.
Yellowstone River stays open along the snowy banks.
A few Mallards are over-wintering...
And large flocks of Canada Geese which fly out to grain fields to feed.
Flocks return to the river to roost for the night
Belted Kingfisher perching over the river
Mountains in every direction from Livingston
Sun reflects on the clouds and mountains
It's very windy here, at least 2-3 days a week. (80 mph winds blowing snow off peaks)
One American Kestrel decided not to migrate.
Bald Eagle perched on irrigation wheel
Eagle flies back to deer carcass
White-tailed deer flashes his white flag
Eurasian Collared-Dove cautious before coming to feeder
Black-billed Magpie gets first dibs in the snowstorm
Red-shafted Flicker loves the white suet.
Someone else has come for dinner - a Merlin, took out a dove which is almost the same size.
One House Finch showed up after weeks of absence.
Big sursprise in our back yard - a flock of Gray Partridge.
Stratching for grass seeds.
Cedar Waxwings flocking to Red Cedar berries.
checking below for other birds feeding..
A large flock of American Robins also attracted to the berries.
Elk have come down from the snowy mountains to find grass to eat.
Coyote hunting for mice, jumping into the snow at any movement or sound.
Frosty branches sparkling like diamonds in the sun.
Black-capped Chickadee
Bighorn lamb scratches the snow away exposing the grass
Bighorn young ram chomping on some grass
Bighorn Ram running to the river for a drink.
We drove back down to Corwin Springs to see how the sheep were making it through the winter.
Mountain scene outside our "Mountain Bible Church" last Sunday morning.
Enjoying our first winter after 13 years of going south for the winter.
❤️ Love & Prayers 🙏
Ty & Ida Baumann
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