Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Spring migration - Bentsen RGV State Park

We are now back at Bentsen Palm RV Park to take part in the Citizen Science Project "Hawk Watch" from Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park.  Every day we spend four plus hours on the hawk tower looking over Mexico and counting the thousands of raptors returning north to nest all over North America.
Adult Merlin at Anzulduos County Park

Vermilion Flycatcher

Ringed Kingfisher

Black Phoebe pair by park entrance canal

Wiley Coyote - What are people doing here this early?

Golden-fronted Woodpecker

Audubon's Oriole at Salineno enjoying some peanut butter

Cactus Wren

Prickly Poppy

Lark Buntings

Pyrrhuloxia at Falcon State Park

Scissors-tailed Flycatchers are returning

Ringed Kingfisher pair along the Rio Grande

We took the RV park's pontoon boat on a special birding tour of the Rio Grande

Territorial fight by White-tailed Kites

Who's going to win and who will leave the area?

Tarantula on our next door neighbor's driveway

Spotted Ground Spider high on the hawk tower

Greater Roadrunner, more often heard than seen

Altamira Oriole enjoys some grapefruit

The rare Calliope Hummingbird, people came from all over to see him

Black-chinned Hummingbird

Buff-bellied Hummingbird, a South Texas gem

Olive Sparrow

Mesquite Blooms, Spring is in the air (Ah-choo)

Great Kiskadee

Black Vultures, coming north in big numbers
To see our counts go to hawkcount.org

Long-billed Thrasher

The Green Jay- painted by God

First day of Spring and the tiny Elf Owl has returned to his favorite hole

Looking forward to five more weeks of hawk counting and seeing everything else God puts in our path.

Love & Prayers,
Ty & Ida Baumann

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