Monday, November 1, 2021

Mission, Texas


For the last six weeks we have been volunteering at Bentsen Rio Grande Vallery State Park at the Hawk Tower counting migrating raptors.  We also see many other birds and animals from our high advantage point.  

Gray Hawk - adult, permanent resident

Gray Hawk calling in flight

Swainson's Hawk

Harris's Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk coming over in the thousands

Broad-winged Hawk

Peregrine Falcon - dark Tundra plumage

Blue-collared Spiny Lizard

McCall's race Eastern Screech Owl in Palm Tree

Giant Mesquite Bug on our screen

Great-tailed Grackle female

Great-tailed Grackle male

Gopher Tortoise 

Greater Roadrunner running 

Check out these eyelashes!

Anhinga stretching

Hundreds of Anhinga migrating

Walking Stick male

Bronzed Cowbird


Claret Pond Hawk - very rare dragonfly

Black-bellied Whistling Duck below the Hawk Tower

Praying Mantis

Praying posture 

Coyote looking for the Roadrunner

Scissor-tailed Flycatchers

Altamira Oriole comes to visit us on the tower

Old Altamira Oriole nest - 20 inches long

Land Snail population continues to explode

Hook-billed Kite looking for their favorite food - land snails

Dark Morph Hook-billed Kite

Red-shouldered Hawk

Groove-billed Ani

Groove-billed Ani

Green Lacewing - note eye shape
increase size if you can.

We love seeing all the wonderful creatures that God has given for us to see and share.
Love & Prayers,
Ty & Ida Baumann

1 comment:

  1. I’m in ❤️With the Gray Hawk!!!

    Cooling down here in WI. The 🦌are getting crazy🤪as well as the hunters! Having venison tips on noodles tonight😋 hugs to you both!
