Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Blue Ridge Parkway


Traveling northeast we followed the Blue Ridge Parkway through North Carolina and Virginia

Canyon Waterfalls

Little River Canyon Waterfalls

We enjoyed following the warbler migration north - Kentucky Warbler

White Azalea

Flame Azalea

Wild Tom Turkey

Prairie Warblers high altitude nesters

Yellow-breasted Chat, hard to see but loud calling pinpointed his location

Flowering or American Dogwood

Tufted Titmouse

Cross Vine Blossom

We spent the night at Moonshine Creek Campground

Red/Purple Trillium

Large Flower Trillium

Nodding Trillium

Enjoyed adding familiar northern birds to our year list - Chipping Sparrow

Daddy Longlegs Spider visits Carolina Allspice

Allspice also called Sweet Bush opens blossoms

One of the many overlooks of the Blue Ridge Mountains

Song Sparrow, our first for the year

White-eyed Vireo

Maidenhair Fern

Many Fern Fiddleheads unfolding


American Robin - latest we ever listed them

Sleepy Duskywing Butterfly on False Aster

Carolinaa Wren under Chestnut Oak leaf

Newt in cold spring water pool

Large Diamondback Water Snake sunning

Dew laced Spiderweb

Carolina Chickadee

Common Yellowthroat

Tulip Tree or Yellow Poplar

Tulip Tree Blossom

Black Locust Blossom

Mountain Laurel

Henslow's Sparrow singing

Spittalbug larvae surrounding themselves in protective frothy coating

Wild Geranium

Tent Caterpillar

Jellyfish-like cloud tries to capture the Moon

Man-made Waterfalls

Mabry Mill Waterwheel at historical park

We spent a few days with dear friends Art & Betsy Cavanaugh who took us to a Floyd  Bluegrass Festival.

Farewell to the Blue Ridge Mountains

Love ❤️  & 🙏  Prayers,
Ty & Ida Baumann

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